
mpd status notification using dzen2, including a tiny but functional cover art fetcher

Primary LanguageShell


This is just me flexing my zsh muscles a little, creating some things marginally useful in the process.


Simple parser for mpc status. Not useful on its own, this can be sourced from other scripts to get that data.


This script fetches data using mpc_parse and displays it in a nice dialogue using dzen2. Note this requires a development version of dzen2, the one from debian package in particular will not suffice! The dialogue will also include a cover art image, if there is one in xpm format in ./covers/$ARTIST/$ALBUM.xpm or ~/.cache/covers/$ARTIST/$ALBUM.xmp

Have a screenshot:



Very small utility that listens for mpd events using mpc idleloop, and when a player event happens, calls mpdzen. Basically, this will show the mpdzen notification everytime a new song is played.

./cover_fetcher ARTIST ALBUM

This script will attempt to download a cover for $ALBUM by $ARTIST using curl, and convert it to a 64x64 xpm image using ImageMagick's convert. For my nicely sorted collection of data in its ARTIST/ALBUM/TITLES hierarchy, this worked very well (zsh, obviously):

for i in ${~p}/*/*(/); do
    ./cover_fetcher ${i%/*} ${i#*/}; 


This script wraps dzen2, and will adjust the -y parameter for subsequent calls depending on the -p, -y and -h parameters, so that they don't overlap. For example, if you call three times dzenlines -y 50 -h 30 -p 3, it will move the -y further down by 34 pixels, which is the -h parameter plus a bit of padding. Once the timeout given by -p is reached, the offset is reset to zero.

Be wary of non key-value arguments for dzen (ie, -m and -u), they may confuse the script. Just put them on the tail end of the arguments and it should be fine.

The script keeps track of state for each pair of -x,-y parameters, and will move up or down the screen depending on the sign of -y.


This is a quilt patches dir that can be applied to dzen2, to allow escaping of closing parantheses for ^i() syntax. This is necessary if album names contain any ), which will blow it up otherwise.