
Typescript library to interface with the VDC development, staging and production databases.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This repository is a Typescript library to interface with the VDC development, staging and production databases.

Updating the database

There are a few steps that need to be completed to update the database with changes.

  1. Create a backup of the development database using the Export tab in phpMyAdmin
  2. Update the ./schema.prisma file with changes
  3. Run npx prisma migrate dev -n x.x.x where the "x.x.x" follows the major.minor.patch version naming convention. Major patches are denoted by adding new tables or significant sweeping updates, Minor updates are denoted by adding columns or sweeping patch updates, and all else will bump the patch number. If the prisma migrate command throws any issues, follow the substeps below, otherwise continue to step 4.
    • Delete the migration file created by the migrate dev command (if applicable) from the migrations folder
    • Reset the database using npx prisma migrate reset. This destroys the database, all it's data and rebuilds it from the migrations.
    • Make changes, and repeat step 2 & 3 until the prisma migrate dev command runs successfully
  4. Update the Changelog below with a comment of what has changed, and then send a message to the #updates channel with that same message. You can also copy & paste the following:
    New <@&1220563705293574266> - `vX.X.X`

Database Changelog

Version Comments/Updates
1.2.11 Updated description type in FranchiseBrand to type Text
1.2.10 Updated description type in FranchiseBrand to type varchar(999)
1.2.9 Added PRE_SEASON enum to MatchType enum set
1.2.8 Added optional discordEmote column to FranchiseBrand with type String
1.2.7 Removed the Agent enum set and updated the agent column data type in PlayerStats from the Agent enum to String
1.2.6 Changed lowercase enums in the Tier enumerations (Prospect, Apprentice, Expert, Mythic, Mixed) to PROSPECT, APPRENTICE, EXPERT, MYTHIC and MIXED respectively to follow enumeration convention
1.2.5 Removed default value of 0 in the contractRemaining column of the Status table
1.2.4 Changed ContractStatus to contractStatus in the Status table to follow convention for non-relational columns
1.2.3 Added Clove to Agents
1.2.2 Made winner and it's respective WinningTeam relation optional in the Games table
1.2.1 Made team and it's respective Team relation optional in the PlayerStats table
1.2.0 Added kast, damage and antiEcoDeaths columns to the to PlayerStats table
1.1.1 Added APPROVED enum to LeagueStatus
1.1.0 Added lastPulled column to the MMR table with type DateTime and default null
1.0.2 Added one-to-one relation for Team in Games table for the winner
1.0.1 Changed MMR foreign key relation to have the parent be on the Account table instead of the MMR table
1.0.0 Initial Commit/Database Baseline