Audio Spectrum Visualising System

ASVS (Audio Spectrum Visualising System)

Required packages (possibly some are not mentioned) -python 1/2/3 -python2-tools -python alsaaudio -python wave -python struct -python numpy -python setuptools -alsa-lib -alsa-tools -alsa-utils -ffmpeg -gcc -make -scons -swig -Python RPIO

Source code found in Documentation/Source/play.py Sample wav files are found in Documentation/Implementation/Media/

Current Usage:

$ python play.py AUDIO_FILE_PATH_HERE

-Notice that only ".wav" files can be played -Also due to UI inexperience, the CLI window will be to be adjusted to the size of the data being printed to avoid bad looking new prints (due to new-line each iteration) there connecting remotely (i.e. ssh) is recommended.

-Notice that as of the current implementation the program finishes with a ValueError (Can be solved)