This Project looks like nothing in the UI but it covers an important and complex topic in CoreData , i.e, writing data to Database in background thread so that UI does not get blocked. It uses Swift4 with a lot of reduction in boilerplate code. It also implements using a single managedobjectcontext.
- abmyself
- AbSingh453
- ankita345
- atikna345
- bobek-balinekSpirograph Limited
- carabinaPersonal
- chandananand
- clamid3
- dylanbeadleSan Diego, CA
- gaoypChina
- gewashingtonNYC
- hoop33@Availity
- ihlulani
- iOSDev2016
- mhaavm
- midcla
- MSiOSDev
- mvaahm
- naka98KISSOFT
- narciszaitStudent
- prougeot
- prpgletoNova Futur Ltd
- Rathish11@zohocorporation
- senthilvs7
- sran43
- srikark2000
- VamshiIITBHU14Bangalore, India
- VKdineout