This project covers: 1) UICollectionViewFlowLayout with all the auto-layout constraints added programatically 2) How to build custom tab bar as seen in YouTube app 3) URL session integration to build feed for Home screen. All written in Latest Swift 3 syntax following MVC pattern, re-usable code methodologies, extensions etc.Converted from Swift2 (Source: to Swift3.
- abmyself
- AbSingh453
- ankita345
- atikna345
- carabinaPersonal
- clamid3
- daansariIntuit
- fabiosoftItaly
- fvinader
- gaoypChina
- iOSDev2016
- johndpopeSydney
- leonid3k
- littlehj
- mhaavm
- midcla
- MSiOSDev
- mvaahm
- naka98KISSOFT
- NavdeepSinghBajaj
- ram2386@proximity-tech
- RoyNkemRemote
- senseiphoneX
- senthilvs7
- serhatsezerSoftware Developer
- ShadowParticleStockholm, Sweden, Earth
- Shanti-SRTarragona
- sran43
- srikark2000
- Tatsh
- teguhginanjar
- tkersey@thisisartium
- VamshiIITBHU14Bangalore, India
- VKdineout
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- wjh2005