
This Salesforce Solution creates invoices from the orders which were activated today, everyday.

Primary LanguageApex

Salesforce Order Invoicing Automation


This project provides a solution for automating the generation of invoices for orders in Salesforce. It includes Apex classes and a scheduler to generate invoices for activated orders with associated products.


  • Automated Invoicing: Invoices are generated automatically for activated orders.
  • Batch Processing: Invoices are generated in batch to handle large volumes of orders efficiently.
  • Scheduler: Includes a scheduler to run the batch process daily at midnight.
  • Error Logging: Errors during the batch process are logged for debugging and monitoring.


Apex Classes

  1. ECGenerateInvoiceBatch: Batch class responsible for generating invoices.
  2. ECInvoiceGeneratorScheduler: Schedulable class to schedule the batch process and update scheduler logs.
  3. EC_ScheduleController: Apex controller for handling scheduling and stopping the scheduler via Lightning Web Components.

Standard/Custom Objects Involved

  1. Invoice__c: Custom object to store generated invoices.
  2. Order: Standard Salesforce Object to store Order Details.
  3. OrderItem: Standard Salesforce Object to store Order Item / Product Details.
  4. Invoice_Item__c: Custom object to store invoice line items.
  5. Scheduler_Log__c: Custom object to log scheduler run details.
  6. Error_Log__c: Custom object to keep track of the Error Logs Generated Across the Org

Lightning Web Components (LWC)

  1. SchedulerControl: LWC to start and stop the scheduler and display last run details.

Deployment Instructions

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/salesforce-order-invoicing.git