Golem Meme Maker App

This application is a fun attempt to showcase possibilies of Golem by creating memes from templates


Using the following template


And running the python3 main.py drake.jpg 140,70,"VPS" 130,180,"Golem" command below


Received result (meme) looks like the following




  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • (optional) Fresh virtual environment
  • Yagna daemon running (docs)

Install packages

$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt


To execute the whole example, run the following command

$ python3 main.py <template> <texts>

Where <template> is a path to meme template and texts being a space-separated list of texts to input, in a form of x,y,text.

For example, in the demo, arguments used were:

  • For <template> - relative path to image available in the repo - drake.jpg
  • For <texts - space-separated list of two texts to be inserted, one 140px from lext and 70px from top with text VPS, and the other 130px from left and 180px from top with text Golem - 140,70,VPS 130,180,Golem

Full command to execute the demo is shown below

$ python3 main.py drake.jpg 140,70,"VPS" 130,180,"Golem"

The main.py file configures Golem network and deploys the task to the workers (stored in the task.py)