Classes and functions to decode polylines based on the Google and HereMaps algorithms.
- Everthing under Geo is related to the Google Algorithm.
- Everything under Here Maps is related to HereMaps.
- For Google, there's also en implementation to ENcode a set of coordinates
- For HereMaps I've only written the DEcode methods so far.
Polyline encoding is a lossy compression algorithm that allows you to store a series of coordinates as a single string. Point coordinates are encoded using signed values. If you only have a few static points, you may also wish to use the interactive polyline encoding utility.
The encoding process converts a binary value into a series of character codes for ASCII characters using the familiar base64 encoding scheme: to ensure proper display of these characters, encoded values are summed with 63 (the ASCII character '?') before converting them into ASCII. The algorithm also checks for additional character codes for a given point by checking the least significant bit of each byte group; if this bit is set to 1, the point is not yet fully formed and additional data must follow.
Var encodedPolyline As String = TextArea1.Text
Var decodedCoordinates() As Pair = DecodePolyline(encodedPolyline)
For Each coord As Pair In decodedCoordinates
Var latStr As String = Format(coord.Left, "0.000000").Replace(",", ".")
Var lngStr As String = Format(coord.Right, "0.000000").Replace(",", ".")
Var s As String = (latStr + ", " + lngStr)
Self.TextArea2.Text = Self.TextArea2.Text + EndOfLine + s
Dim encodedPolyline As String = TextArea1.Text
Dim decodedData As HereMapsPolylineDecoder.PolylineData = HereMapsPolylineDecoder.Decode(encodedPolyline)
Var coordinates() As HereMapsPolylineDecoder.PolylineCoordinate = decodedData.getCoodinates
For Each coo As HereMapsPolylineDecoder.PolylineCoordinate In coordinates
Var latStr As String = Format(, "0.000000").Replace(",", ".")
Var lngStr As String = Format(coo.lng, "0.000000").Replace(",", ".")
Var s As String = (latStr + ", " + lngStr)
Self.TextArea2.Text = Self.TextArea2.Text + EndOfLine + s