
This repository contains the implementation for our work "Learning Topological Interactions for Multi-Class Medical Image Segmentation", accepted to ECCV 2022 (Oral)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains the implementation for our work "Learning Topological Interactions for Multi-Class Medical Image Segmentation", accepted to ECCV 2022 (Oral).


The loss function is for topological constraints: containment and exclusion. An overview of the method is as shown in the figure. Overview


The loss can be applied to the training of any model. The code is written in PyTorch.


Sample usage. In order to test the code, Input and GT are randomly populated with values.
Set the dim (2 for 2D; 3 for 3D) correctly to run relevant code.

The samples provided enforce the following interactions:
    Enforce class 1 to be completely surrounded by class 2
    Enforce class 2 to be excluded from class 3
    Enforce class 3 to be excluded from class 4

# Parameters for creating random input
num_classes = height = width = depth = 5

dim = 2

if dim == 2:
    x = torch.rand(1,num_classes,height,width)
    y = torch.randint(0, num_classes, (1,1,height,width))

    ti_loss_weight = 1e-4
    ti_loss_func = TI_Loss(dim=2, connectivity=4, inclusion=[[1,2]], exclusion=[[2,3],[3,4]])
    ti_loss_value = ti_loss_func(x, y) if ti_loss_weight != 0 else 0
    ti_loss_value = ti_loss_weight * ti_loss_value
    print("ti_loss_value: ", ti_loss_value)

elif dim == 3:
    x = torch.rand(1,num_classes,depth,height,width)
    y = torch.randint(0, num_classes, (1,1,depth,height,width))

    ti_loss_weight = 1e-6
    ti_loss_func = TI_Loss(dim=3, connectivity=26, inclusion=[[1,2]], exclusion=[[2,3],[3,4]], min_thick=1)
    ti_loss_value = ti_loss_func(x, y) if ti_loss_weight != 0 else 0
    ti_loss_value = ti_loss_weight * ti_loss_value
    print("ti_loss_value: ", ti_loss_value)