
Capstone Project Bangkit Academy 2024

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


BatikHub : Exploring the Wonders of Indonesian Batik

This project aims to fulfill the requirements of the Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka.

Project Plan · Project Brief · Presentation Slide

©C241-PS409 Bangkit Capstone Team


BatikHub is an application designed to classify various types of batik motifs based on user input. This application not only functions as a classification tool, but also as an educational tool regarding the history and meaning behind each identified batik motif. The results of the motif prediction will be stored in the history page, making it easier for users to access and learn about previously explored batik motifs.


Indonesian batik, with its rich historical, aesthetic, and philosophical values, represents a significant aspect of the country's cultural heritage. Research conducted by Bandung Fe Institute and Sobat Budaya in 2015 unveiled an extensive array of batik motifs, totaling approximately 5,849 distinct patterns, each carrying its own narrative. However, despite this abundance, only about 10% of these motifs are widely recognized and appreciated. Consequently, many of batik's unique forms and styles remain obscure to the wider populace.

Therefore, we conclude a research question which is how to utilize image classification technology in a mobile application to introduce and enhance the understanding of Indonesian culture such as batik among the younger generation? In response to this inquiry, our team is deeply dedicated and firmly believes that by harnessing appropriate technology, we can devise an innovative and impactful solution to deepen the appreciation and comprehension of Indonesian batik. Through the development of a mobile application utilizing image classification, our objective is to furnish users with an engaging and educational platform, facilitating heightened affinity for and understanding of Indonesian batik.

User Interface

ui batikhub ui batikhub 2

App Demo

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Deployment Link

BatikHub App Download Link: BatikHub (Google Drive)

Project Documents:

Capstone Project Team:

Name Bangkit-ID Github-Profile Task Progress On Task
Adam Haidar Azizi M004D4KY1989 https://github.com/HADAIZI Develop and testing Models, Develop finalmodel using mobilenet v2, Create notebook templates for model evaluation and testing, Convert the final model to TensorFlow.js (tfjs) and TensorFlow Lite (tflite). Done
Arafat Dhiya 'Ulhaq M284D4KY2446 https://github.com/arafatulhaq Developing and testing models using Inception, ResNet50, and ResNet101 architectures. Conduct rigorous training sessions to optimize model performance. And validate models through comprehensive testing procedures. Done
Yohanes M180D4KY2893 https://github.com/Y0hanesI Create and test a model, develop the model, and perform evaluating and testing Done
Lutfi Farhan Prayoga C180D4KY0462 https://github.com/lutfi015 Create endpoint for get all batik, Get batik by ID and name. Store all batik and model to Cloud Storage bucket,Testing in Postman Done
Daffa Farhan Raharja C180D4KY1219 https://github.com/FarhanGits Create Endpoint for Predict, Deploy API to Google Cloud Run, Create Postman API Documentation Done
Hanafi Satriyo Utomo S. A004D4KY3627 https://github.com/tiostwn As a Project Manager, monitoring team progress, Created Sign UP XML and Fixed User Interface in all pages Done
M. Armand Giovani A004D4KY4131 https://github.com/VanGarman21 Create Recyclerview Homefragment & HistoryFragment, Create Upload Image & Integration API Response Done