
EOS Party Testnet by eosfans.io

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Welcome to the EOS Party Testnet


Party is an EOS testnet based on EOSIO Dawn 4.0.

Telegram: https://t.me/EOSTestnet

Block Explorer: http://party.eosmonitor.io/

Join the EOS Party Test Network

Anyone can join EOS Party network as BP. Joining the EOS Party test network to become a BP requires the following steps:

  • 24-hour server
  • Run a node (Recommended Docker)
  • Register as BP
  • Get votes(You can vote for yourself)

Run a node

Make sure your server has Docker installed.

  • mkdir -p /data/eos Create a directory for your EOS node data store, can also be another directory.
  • Copy config.ini to /data/eos and modify:
  • Copy genesis.json to /data/eos.

Then, run:

docker run -d \
    --restart=always \
    --name party \
    -v /data/eos:/opt/eosio/bin/data-dir \
    -v /data/eos/nodeos:/root/.local/share/eosio/nodeos \
    -p 8888:8888 \
    -p 9876:9876 \
    eosfans/eos:dawn-v4.0.0 nodeosd.sh

Check log:

docker logs -f --tail=100 party

Register an account

Our website is under development, as a temporary plan, you can submit an issue with the EOS public key and producer-name.

Register as BP

  • docker exec -it party bash
  • cleos wallet create Create a default wallet (it is recommended that you save wallet password)
  • cleos wallet import {Private_Key} Import your private key
  • cleos system regproducer {producer-name} {public key} http://{server_ip}:8888 Register as BP

You should not yet produce a block because you don’t have a ticket.

Vote for yourself

Mortgage your EOS(Suppose you have 10000):

cleos system delegatebw {producer-name} {producer-name} '5000.0000 EOS' '5000.0000 EOS' --transfer

Vote for yourself: cleos system voteproducer prods {producer-name} {producer-name}