
This repository is specifically meant to contain all my files (including SRS, DFDs, SPMP and all other documentation) pertaining to my Tender Management System Project for the course Software Engineering (ESC-501).

Primary LanguagePython

Tender Management System

This is the Beta Version of the Tender Management System which I had to prepare as a part of my Software Engineering Course (ESC501) in my 3rd Year (5th Semester) of B.Tech in CSE.

Key Functionalities Offered So Far:

  1. Login / Sign Up / Authentication: Account Creation has been implemented with sessions.
  2. Setting Bids for Tenders
  3. Selling Tenders
  4. Displaying Available Balance after Selling / Purchasing
  5. Delete Tenders from Listing
  6. Adding Tenders to Listing
  7. Admin Panel with full access to User, Bidding and Tender Databases
  8. Contact Admin Section with Automated E-mail Facility

Tech used:

  • Front-End: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap-4
  • Back-End: Flask, SQLAlchemy, SQLite3

The project is still in its nascent stage and runs only on a Virtual Environment on the local host.

The steps to start this project are as follows (For Windows Machines Only):

  1. Install VS Code
  2. Assuming you have flask and Python installed, open Terminal in VS Code and simply type in: run_protender.bat to run the scripts inside the file and launch the Virtual Environment.
  3. If you encounter any errors related to undefined python packages, make sure to install all of them using pip. Notably, flask_bcrypt, flask_login and flask_wtf.

This should get your web application up and running at