
PoC to showcase what permissions application has to request in order keep background work going

Primary LanguageJava

Background worker

This is PoC to showcase what permissions application has to request in order keep background work going.

Android defines immediate, deferred and exact tasks.

For the immediate and repeating with small delay, the best thing is foreground service since it keeps application alive and threading (scheduling) is up to developer.

One of the best tools for deferred scheduling is WorkManager since it hides all the complexity and has wide Android version support.

WorkManager could handle exact scheduling (almost, because of flex time), but Android also provides AlarmManager which gives more options to specify time and wake-up behavior.

Required user interaction (grant extra/dangerous permissions)

However, aforementioned APIs are affected by a various Android's battery optimizations. Regular application could only ask user to whitelist application in AutoStart manager and PowerSaver.

There are croud-sourced information about what activities should we launch in order to navigate user to a corresponding Settings screen:

P.S. privileged apps have access to the com.android.server.DeviceIdleController which also allows to whitelist application from power saving http://androidxref.com/9.0.0_r3/xref/frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/DeviceIdleController.java


Application writes work output into logs image

Granting permissions on Xiaomi https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1898060/124554356-8bd0fd00-de3e-11eb-856e-b19a8019af02.mp4