
This application is designed to manage the data of the university’s education department.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This application is designed to manage the data of the university’s education department.

Project uses:

Python Flask Flask-sqlAlchemy Flask-migrate Flask-marshmallow Swagger Pytest Postgres Docker Docker-compose Nginx

  • Flask (flask-restful)
  • SqlAlchemy (flask-sqlalchemy)
  • Alembic (flask-migrate)
  • Marshmallow (flask-marshmallow)
  • Swagger (flasgger)
  • Pytest
  • PostgreSQL
  • Docker (docker-compose)
  • Nginx

Task description:

To get rest-api docs, visit

Main stack:
  1. Create an application that inserts/updates/deletes data in the database using sqlalchemy and flask rest framework;
  2. Use PostgreSQL DB;
  3. Migrations must be done with flask-migrate;
  4. Serialization and deserialization should be done with marshmallow or flask-marshmallow;

Models should have the following fields:

  1. GroupModel:

    • name
  2. StudentModel:

    • group_id
    • first_name
    • last_name
  3. CourseModel:

    • name
    • description;
Wrapper for SQL queries:

Create a wrapper module (package) for SQL queries in python that:

  • Creates user, role and database.
  • Assigns all privileges on the database to the role/user;

Create cli for create / drop db with params such as: user, role, db;

Generate test data:
  • 10 groups with randomly generated names. The name should contain 2 characters, hyphen, 2 numbers (example: AA-11);
    • Create 10 courses (math, biology, etc);
    • 200 students. Take 20 first names and 20 last names and randomly combine them to generate students;
    • Randomly assign students to groups. Each group could contain from 10 to 30 students; It is possible that some groups will be without students or students without groups;

Create relation MANY-TO-MANY between tables STUDENTS and COURSES. Randomly assign from 1 to 3 courses for each student;

  1. Write SQL queries using sqlalchemy or flask-sqlalchemy:
    • Find all groups with less or equals student count;
    • Find all students related to the course with a given course_id;
    • Add a student to the course (from a list);
    • Remove the student from one of his or her courses;
    • CRUD operation for student / student list;
    • CRUD operation for group;
    • CRUD operation for course.
  • Modify application using Flask Rest Framework;
  • Write tests using Unittest module or pytest.


First you need to create .env file with environment variables at the root of the project, that contains:

POSTGRES_DB=superuser_database_name (by default: postgres)
POSTGRES_USER=superuser_login (by default: postgres)
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=superuser_password (by default: postgres)
PG_HOST=host_url (by default: localhost)
PG_PORT=postgres_port  (by default: 5432)
PG_DB=your_database_name (by default: university)
PG_ROLE=your_role_name (example: admins)
PG_USER=your_user_name (example: admin)

Or you can set these variables yourself.

Installation via Docker-compose:

STEP 1 - Install docker and docker compose:

For the beginning install docker and docker compose on your machine:

  1. docker
  2. docker-compose
  3. P.S.: Depending on the version use:
    docker compose
STEP 2 - Git clone:
  1. Then git clone this project in your folder.
  2. And go to the folder where are docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile are located.
STEP 3 - Build project:

Use following command:

  • default mode (production mode)
    docker compose build
  • or if you want to build development container:
    docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml build
STEP 4 - Up the containers:

After image building, you can up the containers of one of these commands:

  • default mode:
    docker compose up
  • background mode:
    docker compose up -d
  • or if you want to run in development mode:
    docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up
STEP 5 - Try to get data:




STEP 6 - Get api docs in your browser:
STEP 7 - Run pytest:

If you use development mode, you can run pytest:

  • First, enter to the container:
    docker exec -it university_api bash
  • Second, run pytest command:
    cd tests/ && python -m pytest
STEP 8 - Stop and remove containers:

To remove

If you need:

  • to stop the containers only:
    docker compose stop
  • to stop and remove the containers:
    docker compose down
  • if you have previously run a development container:
    docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml stop
    docker compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml down
STEP 9 - Remove all containers data:
  1. remove images:
    docker rmi -f flask_rest_api_api
  2. remove volumes (database data):
    docker volume rm -f flask_rest_api_psql_db
  • if you get postgres warnings after app started, then you should probably change outer port for postgres in docker-compose.yml:
      - '5432:5432'
    change to ↓
      - '5632:5432'
  • if you got something like this:
    Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket at unix:///var/run/docker.sock:...
    sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
  • if you use ubuntu, then you will probably have a problems with psycopg2. So install this:
    sudo apt-get install libpq-dev

Installation via IDE or other:

STEP 1 - Create env and install packages:
  1.  pip install pipenv
  2. pipenv shell
  3. pipenv install
     pipenv install --dev
STEP 2 - Start api:
  • Ubuntu (Bash):
    export PG_HOST= &&
    cd api_university/ &&
    export FLASK_APP=app.py &&
    flask run
  • Windows (PowerShell):
    cd api_university/
    $env:FLASK_APP = 'app.py'
    flask run
  • CMD:
    cd api_university/
    set FLASK_APP=app.py
    flask run
STEP 3 - Get api docs:

Get docs and data in your browser:





If you begin only and have no database and have no migrations folder:

Get docs and data in your browser:

  • Ubuntu (Bash):
     cd api_university/
     python3 -m scripts --create_db
     export FLASK_APP = 'app.py'
     flask db init
     flask db migrate
     flask db upgrade
  • Windows (PowerShell):
    cd api_university/
    py -m scripts --create_db
    $env:FLASK_APP = 'app.py'
    flask db init
    flask db migrate
    flask db upgrade
If you want update models only:
  • Ubuntu (Bash):
    cd api_university/
    export FLASK_APP = 'app.py'
    flask db migrate
    flask db upgrade
  • Windows (PowerShell):
    cd api_university/
    $env:FLASK_APP = 'app.py'
    flask db migrate
    flask db upgrade


Simple command line interface, that:

  1. allows you to create db:
    py -m api_university.scripts --create_db
  2. allows you to drop db:
    py -m api_university.scripts --drop_db
  3. And contains optional arguments:
    • -d, --db_name, allows assign db name:

      py -m api_university.scripts --drop_db -d your_db_name
    • -u, --user_name, allows assign username:

      py -m api_university.scripts --create_db -u your_user_name
    • -r, --role_name, allows assign role name:

      py -m api_university.scripts --create_db -r your_role_name
    • -p, --user_password, allows assign user password:

      py -m api_university.scripts --create_db -p your_user_password
  4. Helper:
    py -m api_university.scripts -h

IMPORTANT: If the arguments is not specified, it is taken from the env variables or set by default.