
documenting my painful journey in custom nixos

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT

NixOs House Of Pain

Would it be the NixOS experience if I gave you all the answers in one, convenient place? -hlissner

The way of NixOs is the way of pain and self-hatred. Don't bother asking for help, this pain is yours to enjoy.



To be used in conjonction of bash/fish command to source from anywhere

set -xg SHELL_FILE (find /home/henri/Documents/houseOfNixAndPain/shells -name 'shell.nix' | fzf)
nix-shell $SHELL_FILE 

Lessons learned

  • node2nix -i -18 (don't forget the version)
  • the node-packages.json is not a carbon copy of a normal package.json but an array of js packages
  • nix-shell -A @devcontainers/cli
