Card Game
[//]: # (Commenting this build status thing since it's not really mine but I want to remember how to do it [] (
It's a card game based on a standard 52 card deck, but it's not poker.
Install for node.js using npm:
$ npm install
Serve the app:
$ npm start
Then visit http://localhost:3000/
This will eventually be a card game. Right now you can draw a random card but it doesn't really do anything with it.
I'm not supporting Chrome right now because it has an issue loading es6-shim. I recommend you use Firefox.
You could call it an EAN stack ;)
Feature Requests
Have a suggestion for this npm module? Submit an issue.
Todo...vaguely in order
- Implement draw card service
- Use a custom deck, not just a standard poker deck
- Implement
- Implement basic game logic (first game will be war...higher card wins)
- Implement persistant deck (you draw and now it's not in the deck)
- Implement discard pile logic and function to reshuffle discard pile into deck
- Implement optional logic such that all players use one deck or each player uses a seperate deck (even 2 decks of different cards, like a TCG)
- Maybe some sort of optional modular and extenable turn framework (but I should allow for simultaneous turns too, maybe a custom mode variable)
- Game rules document
- Better UI, ideally with Canvas
- Multiplayer! (V1)
- Seperate 3 modules: card-game framework (this repo), specific card game rules, swappable cards module for custom decks (you could have the same rules with or without face cards, for example.)