Root static files example
How to use
Install NodeJS, recommended version 10 or 11. You will also need Git. You can optionally install a Git GUI tool such as Tortoise Git.
Then clone the repository and run npm install && npm run dev
git clone
npm install
npm run dev
Note: If you are running on Windows run install --noptional flag (i.e. npm install --no-optional
) which will skip installing fsevents.
Building and deploying in production
If you wanted to run this site in production, you should install modules then build the site with npm run build
and run it with npm start
npm install
npm run build
npm start
You should run npm run build
again any time you make changes to the site.
Note: If you are already running a webserver on port 80 (e.g. Macs usually have the Apache webserver running on port 80) you can still start the example in production mode by passing a different port as an Environment Variable when starting (e.g. PORT=3000 npm start
If you configure a .env file (just copy .env.default over to '.env' and fill in the options) you can configure a range of options.
See the for how to set up oAuth if you want to do that. It suggested you start with Twitter as it's the easiest to get working.
Deploying to the cloud with
To deploy on Zeit's cloud platform now
just install it, clone this repository and run now
in the working directory:
npm install -g now
If you configure a .env file now
will include it when deploying if you use the -E option to deploy:
now -E
If you want to have your local .env
file contain variables for local development and have a different sent of varaibles you use in production or staging, you can create additional .env files and tell now
to use a specific
file when deploying.
For example:
now -E production.env
Running tests
Style formatting is enforced with the JavaScript style linter xo which is invoked when running npm test
Reflecting how most examples of Next.js are written, in package.json
we have configured 'xo' to tell it this project uses spaces (not tabs) in both JavaScript and JSX and to not use semicolons.
xo needs to be installed globally:
install -g xo
You can check linting by running xo
or by running npm test
Note: There are currently no application specific tests, beyond style checking.
Express hot module replacement (BE and UI together) (
- I feel like I posted in the NextJS Spectrum about this...check my emails)
Sheet-splitting: you should be able to have multiple splits.
Toggle view between the following; the buttons to toggle should have the text in the dark red Halfaker color; Ariel; size 11; bold; all views should default to this month’s results; all graphs should have text set to size 16
- trend of all months
X axis is the month
Y axis is the value of the response
This is a line graph, with 2 lines represented
1 set of data points are the averages for a given supervisor across the months this line is a happy blue color? 1 set of data points are the averages for all supervisors across the months The line should be colored the dark gray color
- trend of all months
X axis is the month
Y axis is the value of the response
This is a line graph, with 2 lines represented
Throw validation errors to GUI. eg uploading wrong file type is currently uninformative.
Upload arbitrary css, js, and html, which gets included in downloaded report. And make default report hideable. CSS already done. HTML use case: analyst release notes (eg this time we changed question 5)
- in principle this would make for a fully generic report template capability
after upload data, pick chart type by question. at least bar, line, pie
color picker on relevant fields ie under advanced options
create UI edit input fields under advanced options. also those should prob me made dynamically from 'themeable state' function which can be used within fHandleDownloadThemeClick
TODO scraper within files, integrated priority convention and perhaps other task detail convention; LOE, etc. you could also maybe build an information architecture scraping ref:
- Average Response is for this graph (this subsheet, this period, this response)
- You might want to average across periods
- across subsheets (eg other people asked same question this period)
- or both (all people asked this question over all time)
Support this.props.bUseGradientBackground
Export Report Setup input values
reduce duplicate blocks within controller-report.js and index.js's filtering logic
provide more default graph data after importing a sheet; eg default axis names & response count