
Generic boilerplate to publish libraries with NPM

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Generic boilerplate to publish libraries with NPM.


  • Typescript support.

  • Testing with Jest.

  • Different build targets with npm run build grouped under build folder:

    • dist folder contains a single bundle in ES5 with CommonJS module format. It is made with webpack and intended to be consumed by <script> tags. Both, regular and minified versions will be generated.
    • lib folder contains the sources to be consumed from another project. They will be generated in ES5 with 2 variants of barrel file:
      • index.js with CommonJS module syntax.
      • index.esm.js with ES module syntax.
    • es folder with sources in ES6 and no module transformation (ES module syntax) for evergreen browsers.
  • Babel 7 for transpiling either JS or Typescript. No webpack loaders needed for Typescript.

    • Since Babel 7 strategy to transpile Typescript consists in removing type annotations, we loose type check on the build process (linter will still warn you). So, a manual type check using Typescript compilator tsc has been added in the build process.
  • TSLint and Prettier integration for linting and formatting:

    • Curated list of TSLint rules.
    • Linting script available in package.json as npm run lint.
    • Formatting script available in package.json as npm run lint:fix.
    • Auto formatting when publishing the library (by running npm run prerelease).
  • Publish whith npm run release.

  • Recommended pluggins in VS Code:

    • TSLint, to highlight linter errors on your code.
    • Prettier, it will allow to auto format document using prettier instead (Shift + Alt + F. Once installed, remember to check option TSLint integration to true for a better experience.


The typical workflow would be:

  • npm install to start developing.
    • You can make use of npm typecheck, npm test, or npm link at your convenience while developing.
    • Of course, you can also expand these scripts, e.g.: start a dev server.
  • npm run build to build all final artifacts within the build folder. This will be the entry point to be published. As you can see, source code and configuration files have been excluded. Only built artifacts are present.
    • Note: the build process will automatically run type checking.
  • npm prerelease to get everything ready for release, including code formatting with prettier + tslint and test stage. Now we have 2 options:
    • npm release:local to install locally our package through a symlink from the build folder to your local npm cache. This is very handy in order to test the package from a different project by using npm link <your package name>.
    • npm release to finally publish your package in npm.