
Digital Image Processing Assignments


  1. NumPy questions. Answer the questionaire about NumPy. Answered here.
  2. Submit one function for each of the following tasks (each function receives two images I_a and I_b as inputs):
    1. Computes the subtraction between the two images to locate differences between them, such as finding a dislocated coin.
    2. Implements logical operations (AND, OR, NOT, XOR).
    3. Implements A union B in grayscale (using max operator).
  3. Implement image stitching on images ['ic1.png', 'ic2.png', 'ic3.png', 'ic4.png'] to generate one panorama image 'ic.png'.
  4. (Optional) Get acquainted with codes in Chapters 1, 2 and 3 of "Mastering OpenCV 4 with Python".