

SonicSummarizer is a cutting-edge tool designed to revolutionize the way we consume information in today's digital age. Built on advanced AI technologies, SonicSummarizer rapidly processes a variety of media - text, audio, video - and produces concise summaries in both text and audio formats. This streamlines the process of extracting key insights from a vast array of content sources, saving valuable time for users and enhancing information accessibility.


Media Diversity: Processes various types of media including text, audio, and video content.

Multiformat Summaries: Outputs summaries in both text and audio formats, catering to diverse accessibility needs and learning preferences.

Advanced AI Technology: Harnesses the power of OpenAI's Whisper, Cohere's summarizer, and the gTTS library.

Efficient Information Consumption: Swiftly sifts through extensive data to extract key points, providing concise, digestible insights.


We welcome contributions to the SonicSummarizer project! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on our GitHub page.


SonicSummarizer uses the following open source libraries:

  1. OpenAI's Whisper
  2. Cohere's Summarizer
  3. gTTS library