
Primary LanguagePython


Dotfiles for my Arch [i3] setup. This whole repo is essentially the non-sensitive part of my .config/


──┬── bottom/bottom.toml
  ├── dunst/dunstrc
  ├── env/
  │    ├── alias
  │    ├── bashrc
  │    ├── funcs
  │    ├── keyboard
  │    ├── vars
  │    ├── vimrc
  │    ├── xcompose
  │    └── xinitrc
  ├── i3/config
  ├── i3status/config
  ├── kitty/
  │    ├── kitty.conf
  │    └── theme.conf
  ├── mozilla/
  │    ├── chrome/*
  │    ├── icons/*
  │    ├── newtab/*
  │    ├── scripts/*
  │    ├── index.html
  │    └── style.css
  ├── neofetch/config.conf
  ├── oomox/colors/greenified-gruv
  ├── qutebrowser/config.py
  ├── rofi/powermenu/
  │    ├── styles/gruv.rasi
  │    ├── full_square.rasi
  │    └── sys-menu.sh
  ├── scripts/
  │    ├── alt-paste
  │    ├── apps-menu
  │    ├── network.sh
  │    ├── nm.sh
  │    ├── resources.sh
  │    ├── unicode-menu.sh
  │    └── volume.sh
  ├── tealdeer/config.toml
  ├── vis/
  │    ├── colors/old_rainbow
  │    └── config
  ├── wallpapers/valley.jpg
  ├── zathura/zathurarc
  ├── picom.conf
  └── starship.toml






  • env contains some of my dotfiles :
file ~/... symlinks to ~/.config/env/...
.bashrc bashrc
.bash_aliases alias
.vimrc vimrc
.XCompose xcompose
.xinitrc xinitrc

funcs contains some shortcuts too complex to be aliases, keyboard is my typing setup, vars are some environment variables.

  • scripts is mostly applications launchers
    • alt-paste types characters
    • apps-menu is my main app launcher
    • network.sh shows two windows for network management (nmcli, nm-connection-editor)
    • nm.sh loops printing network information
    • resources.shshows two windows for resource tracking (htop, btm)
    • unicode-menu allows pasting arbitrary unicode characters
    • volume.sh shows two windows for sound control (alsamixer, vis)