
Music Key Board project Bolierplate made with HTML, JS, CSS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Musical KeyBoard


1. Description
2. User Definition & User Stories (UX)
3. Aceptance Criteria
4. Technical Requirements
5. Hacker edition
6. Expected Learning Outcomes

1. Description

Application to perform music playing from the keyboard, built with JavaScript, HTML 5 & CSS3.

2. User Definition:

User: Music Teacher

User Stories:

  • The User want to play instruments from their computer keyboard.

  • The user want to give to others a concert and have visual explanation of musical notes or instrument played

3. Acceptance Criteria

This applications should allow the user to play an instrument with the keyboard, have a good integration between the sounds and respect the space that the user play in between, if replay should restart the sound from starting. The UI of this app should be tematic to the instrument and be pleasant to see, have efect on the key pressed.

4. Technical Requeriments /

  • Individual projects but with peer programming allowed
  • Fork this repository
  • Follow the folder structures dividing per languages: JS, CSS, HTML5
  • Add an Assets folder to add img, and another folder of music_insturment .mp3 sounds.
  • Follow up Semantic HTML rules, have title, footer, center content and visual alignment.


  • data-key data attributes html
  • keyBoardEvent research
  • get the key code for each keyboard to press as keydown event
  • audio html element
       <div data-key="65" class="key">
        <kbd>A</kbd> <span class="sound"> Goblet drum dum</span>
  • document.querySelector()
  • e.keyCode
  • play()
  • document.querySelectorAll()
  • addEventListenner()
  • window.addEventListener()
//get the key values example with query selector
const audio = document.querySelector(`audio[data-key="${e.keyCode}"]`);
  const key = document.querySelector(`.key[data-key="${e.keyCode}"]`);

//global window function example
window.addEventListener('keydown', getSound);

Additional Resources

5. Hacker Edition

Add a login to give access oly to the Teacher. Add a feature to play 2 instruments as music companion.

6. Expected Learning Outcomes

  • QuerySelector
  • Audio Tag
  • Data Key attribute
  • Key Code event
  • Window event listener
  • Play JS method


This Readme should be replaced with the project documentation following the SDLC procedures for Agile Software Development Lyfe Cycle.