This is an example setup for a working prototype combinding Rails, Nuxt and Authentication.
The Frontend was created with
npx create-nuxt-app frontend
# Settings:
# Programming language: JavaScript
# Package manager: Yarn
# UI Framework: Buefy
# Nuxt.js modules: Axios & PWA
# Linting: ESLint, Prettier, Lint stages files & StyleLint
# Testing Framework: Jest
docker-compose build
If you want to start the node server in development, you need to install the node_modules.
docker-compose run frontend yarn
docker-compose run backend bash
> rails db:create
> rails db:migrate
docker-compose run backend bash
> rails g devise:install
> rails g devise user
> rails db:migrate
docker-compose up -d
The rails application runs on localhost:8080 and the frontend application on localhost:3000.
To enable HMR for the frontend, the node server should be started with yarn dev
. To do this, add in the docker-compose.override.yml
the following service:
version: '3'
- ./frontend:/app
command: yarn dev
That means that your local directory is mounted and you might need to install the packages for local development as described in Setup > Install node packages.