- 0
Feat:add docker compose for dev environment and traefik for reverse proxy to redirect all the /api routes to backend and all other routes to frontend
#529 opened by pirjademl - 0
Feat: Chat-bot support to enhance UX
#526 opened by Bgmi10 - 1
Feat: chat bot support
#525 opened by Bgmi10 - 3
DOC: add new file ChatSupport.jsx
#498 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 0
Feat: Develop Backend and Frontend for Displaying Canteen Availability Times
#512 opened by Saksham2k3s - 2
DOC: add Support.jsx
#517 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 0
DOC: add MaintenanceMode.jsx
#521 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 0
DOC: add chatsupport.css
#522 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 0
DOC: add PrivacyPolicy.jsx
#519 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 0
DOC: add FAQ.jsx
#518 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 0
DOC: add Survey.jsx
#520 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 0
BUG: Enhancement of the website's search bars
#510 opened by Saksham2k3s - 0
BUG: Make Canteen Section Page Responsive
#511 opened by Saksham2k3s - 0
- 1
BUG: CORS Issue on Login
#496 opened by Saksham2k3s - 1
Feat: Create backend for canteen rating
#494 opened by Saksham2k3s - 0
DOC: add TermsOfService.jsx
#502 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 0
DOC: add NotificationBell.jsx
#500 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 0
DOC: Add EventCard.jsx
#499 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 2
Feat: Make Login & SignUp page more Impressive
#488 opened by sreevidya-16 - 4
DOC: add OrderHistory.jsx
#501 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 1
DOC: add RatingStars.jsx
#497 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 0
BUG: OTP Expiration
#489 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 3
- 2
Feat: Want to change the UI of the Contributors Page and fix dark mode for that
#484 opened by Ayushmaanagarwal1211 - 2
DOC: I want to update multer.middleware.js
#477 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 1
Feat:Canteen profile is not Editable
#487 opened by nishant0708 - 2
- 4
DOC: index.css
#461 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 0
Feat:Want to Add Skeletons In all the Cards
#479 opened by nishant0708 - 0
Feat:Want to Write Backend of Contact Us Form
#480 opened by nishant0708 - 4
DOC: add authRoutes.js
#469 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 0
DOC: update otpController.js
#476 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 0
Feat:Want to Update Canteen where They Can set There Opening And Closing Time and show it on frontend
#478 opened by nishant0708 - 2
DOC: add errorHandlers.js
#465 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 0
DOC: add Transaction.js
#472 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 0
DOC: add Order.js
#471 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 0
DOC: add Menu.js
#470 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 1
BUG: Number cannot be a name
#456 opened by Ishitamukherjee2004 - 0
DOC: update multer.middleware.j
#467 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 0
DOC: Update auth.js
#466 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 1
BUG:Validating and alerting users when submitting an empty CONTACT US form.
#444 opened by amantaphelix - 1
- 1
DOC: feedbackController.js
#457 opened by AKSHITHA-CHILUKA - 3
BUG: Password View/Hide Toggle Functionality
#447 opened by neha-kum - 1
- 1
BUG: content not visible
#451 opened by DevGajjar28 - 0
Feat:Want to Make News Section Dynamic Where User Can write his Own News and Upload it
#450 opened by nishant0708 - 1
Feat:Canteen Should able to see Feedback Given to Them by User (UI +Integration)
#448 opened by nishant0708 - 1
DOC: Docker update
#442 opened by Ratangulati