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👨‍💻 FullStack Course by Helsinki 2023 👨‍💻

Part no. Part name Link Topics Covered
Part 0 Fundamentals of Web apps Link - React
Part 1 Introduction to React Link
Part 2 Communicating with server Link
Part 3 Programming a server with NodeJS and Express Link
Part 4 Testing Express servers, user administration Link - JSON Web Token
- Lodash
- Bcrypt
- mongoose-unique-validator
- Express Async Errors
- Supertest
Part 5 Testing React apps Link - Cypress
- Prop Types
Part 6 Advanced state management Link - Redux
- Deep freeze
- Deep-freeze
- React Redux
- Axios
- React Query
Part 7 React router, custom hooks, styling app with CSS and webpack Link - Router
- Bootstrap
- Material UI
- Styled Components
- Webpack
- Check npm package
Part 8 GraphQL Link - GraphQL
- Apollo Server
- Apollo Client
Part 9 TypeScript