
A simple two player 3x3 'Tic-Tac-Toe' or 'X and O' game with Python using the pyGame module

Primary LanguagePython

About the Project

  • This is the classic two player Tic-Tac-Toe game with a 3x3 matrix, popularly known as X and O
  • The game has been developed in Python, using the pyGame module

Execution instructions

  1. Download 'ticTacToe.py' - the source code - into your system.
  2. Ensure that Python 3 is installed in your system. If not, please install the same
  3. Go to the command prompt of your PC to install the pygame module by typing in the following command

    pip install pygame

  4. While still in the command prompt, navigate to the folder containing the source code
    • Syntax in case the source code is in the same drive as the current: cd <path>
    • If you need to change drive to navigate to the required folder: cd \d <path>
  5. After navigating to the required path, execute the python file by typing:
    • If you haven't changed the file name of the source code: py ticTacToe.py
    • Else: py <fileName>.py
  6. On execution, the pyGame window is launched. Have fun playing Tic-Tac-Toe!