This project aims to create a tax calculator application that calculates the overall income tax based on gross annual income, extra income from other sources, deductions, and the age group of the individual.
- index.html: Contains the HTML structure of the web application.
- index.css: Defines the styles for the HTML elements.
- index.js: Implements the logic for calculating taxes and handling user interactions.
To run the tax calculator application:
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
- Open the
file in a web browser.
- Enter the gross annual income, extra income from other sources, age group, and total applicable deductions in the respective input fields.
- Click the "Submit" button to calculate the overall income tax.
- The calculated tax amount will be displayed on the screen.
- The tax calculation works based on this formula:
- Overall income (after deductions) under 8 Lakhs is not taxed.
- Income over 8 Lakhs, the amount over 8 Lakhs is taxed at:
- 30% for people with age < 40
- 40% for people with age ≥ 40 but < 60
- 10% for people with age ≥ 60
Q. What was the most challenging part of the assignment?
- Understanding the tax calculation formula and implementing it accurately in code.
- Handling edge cases and ensuring the calculations are correct for different scenarios.
- Integrating the frontend and backend seamlessly to provide a user-friendly experience.
Q. If you were to change anything about the assignment, what would it be?
- Provide clearer instructions or examples for understanding the tax calculation formula.
- Include more detailed feedback or guidance on common mistakes or pitfalls encountered during the assignment.
- Allow for more flexibility in choosing programming languages or frameworks for implementation to accommodate different skill levels and preferences.