Simple Password Manager

This is a simple password manager implemented in Python. It securely stores and retrieves passwords using a master password.


  • Encrypt and store passwords.
  • View stored passwords.
  • Validate master password before access.


  • Python 3.x
  • cryptography library


  1. Clone the repository or download the code files.
  2. Install dependencies:
    pip install cryptography


  1. First Run:

    • Run the script and create a new master password when prompted.
    • The script will set up and then prompt you to run it again.
  2. Subsequent Runs:

    • Enter the master password to access stored passwords or add new ones.
    • Use options to view (view) or add (add) passwords, or quit (q).


  • Master password is validated by decrypting a stored test string.
  • Passwords are encrypted using Fernet symmetric encryption.
  • Ensure to remember your master password, as it is essential for decryption.


  • The master password is required for every run to ensure security.
  • In a real-world application, use a unique salt for each user and store it securely.