
Warp across your filesystem in ~5 ms

Primary LanguageGo

WarpDrive: the Go version.


What does this do?

Instead of having a huge cd routine to get where you want, with WarpDrive you use short keywords to warp to the directory in ~5 ms.


WarpDrive - Warp across the filesystem instantly

Usage: wd [<pattern> ...]
       wd --list/-l | --help/-h | --version/-v
       wd {--add/-a | --remove/-r} <path>
   --list/-l     List currently tracked paths along with their frecency scores
   --add/-a      Add a path to the data file (paths will be added automatically)
   --remove/-r   Remove a path from the data file
   --help/-h     Print this help message
   --version/-v  Print the version of WarpDrive installed
   wd -l                          # list all tracked paths and scores
   wd                             # cd to home directory
   wd s                           # tries to match 's'
   wd someDir                     # tries to match 'someDir'
   wd some subDir                 # ensures matched path also contains 'some'
   wd /absolute/path/to/someDir   # absolute paths work too
   When specifying multiple patterns, order does not matter, except for the last pattern.
   WarpDrive will always cd to a directory that matches the last pattern.

Related: https://github.com/quackduck/WarpDrive. That repo has the earlier, slower, Java version of this.

Install directions

If you're a bash or zsh user:

  1. Put bash-zsh-support/wd.sh somewhere you want.
  2. Put . /path/to/wd.sh in your relevant rc/profile file (you know what I mean)
  3. Run go install in this directory
  4. Profit!

If you're a fish user:

  1. Put fish-support/wd-go_on_prompt.fish in ~/.config/fish/conf.d/
  2. Put fish-support/wd.fish in ~/.config/fish/functions/
  3. Run go install in this directory
  4. Profit!

If you're a windows command prompt user:

  1. Put windows-support\wd-go_on_prompt.bat and windows-support\wd.bat in a directory of your choice.
  2. Compile the go module into a .exe file and put that in the same directory.
  3. Add the directory to the PATH environment variable
  4. Make a script that runs when command prompt is opened: https://superuser.com/a/916478.
  5. In the script add the line doskey cd=wd-go_on_prompt $*
  6. Profit!

If you use some other shell:

Make a PR to add support for your shell. Adding support for other shells is easier than for similar programs. All you need is:

  1. A way for wd to add a new directory when you use cd

    You can do this with a prompt hook that detects a change in the pwd.

  2. A way for your shell to cd to wd's result, or show its output as needed.

    The wd-go binary returns an exit code of 3 if it wants you to cd to its output. Else, please show the user the output.

See the bash-zsh-support/ and fish-support/ directories for examples of how to do this.