
Python and C# Clients for Velocity Scripting API



VelocityEngine requires a Velocity system and valid license. Use of the VelocityEngine is governed by the Velocity license. VelocityEngine may be used with either a local Velocity workstation system, in a single-user fashion, or the VelocityGRID server system, remotely. Users of the VelocityEngine must have a user of type "script" created on the Velocity system. Only one login per script user is possible on a workstation system. Users of the VelocityGRID system may have unlimited logins using a single script user - however each login will consume a license.

Non-Clinical Use

VelocityEngine has not been tested and validated for clinical use on humans. It requires a non-clinical system. VelocityEngine checks at login to verify the system is a non-clinical database.


Copyright 2021 Varian Medical Systems, inc. Use of the VelocityEngine is governed by existing license of Velocity software. No additional warranties are provided. Use at your own risk.