
A web-app for commerce which has both frontend and backend integrated with MongoDB as data source

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A React.js E-commerce application

QKart is an E-commerce application offering a variety of products for customers to choose from.

➡️ Description of the application:

  ☑️ Built the complete set of REST APIs for an E-commerce application following the best practices

  ☑️Followed a layered approach for easy maintenance

  ☑️Used MongoDB NoSQL database for data storage

  ☑️Implemented multiple authentication schemes

  ☑️Wrote unit and integration tests to test the implementation

QKart Layered Architecture

➡️Set up application and implement the first API

  ☑️ Implemented GET /v1/users API endpoint to send user data to clients

  ☑️Followed a layered approach to implement the request-response cycle for ease of maintenance

  ☑️Used Mongoose (Node.js-MongoDB ODM) to fetch user data from MongoDB

  ☑️Defined JOI schema to easily validate client requests

  ☑️Utilized middlewares to reduce code duplication

🔨 Skills used: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose ODM, JOI validation

➡️ Secure API endpoints and implement register/login APIs

  ☑️ Implemented logic to generate short-lived JWT tokens

  ☑️ Set token authentication strategy by using the Passport library

  ☑️ Created POST APIs for user registration and login

  ☑️ Implemented password authentication to facilitate register / login flow

🔨 Skills used: REST APIs, Token authentication, JWT Token, Password authentication, Hashing

JWT Token authentication flow for QKart APIs

➡️ Implement APIs related to shopping cart

  ☑️ Implemented the GET/POST/PUT API endpoints for a user’s shopping cart

  ☑️ mproved the GET /v1/users endpoint by supporting filtering for user address via query parameters

🔨 Skills used: REST APIs, Filtered API Queries

➡️ Complete the checkout logic using TDD

  ☑️ Added Jest-based assertions to unit tests for checkout requirements provided

  ☑️ Implemented the checkout logic in a Test-driven development style

  ☑️ Utilized integration tests to find and resolve bugs on integrating checkout logic to the application

🔨 Skills used: Test-driven development, Unit testing, Integration testing, Jest framework

➡️ Deploy the QKart backend server

  ☑️ Created a MongoDB instance on MongoDB Atlas cloud and uploaded products data to the cloud DB.

  ☑️ Deployed the QKart Node.js app to Heroku

  ☑️ Deployed the QKart React frontend to Netlify after configuring it to use the deployed Node.js backend.

🔨 Skills used: MongoDB Atlas, Deployment, Heroku, Netlify