
It's a web-application which can be used for railway reservation management.

Primary LanguageJava


It's a web-application which can be used for railway reservation management.

We, a group of three students, developed it for the project in our DMBS course. The entire application is very simple and can be easily understood in the first view itself.

Let's see about the technology stack.


       * HTML5

       * CSS
       * JS(Javascript)


       * JSP(Java Server Pages)

       * Oracle Database

Features of the application: (for end-users)

       * Account creation
       * Login/Logout 
       * Booking of ticket
       * PNR status checking
       * Availabilty checking
       * Cancellation of ticket

Features for Admins:

       * Adding routes and trains
       * Deleting trains (for maintainence purpose)

Software requirements:

       * A good editor for web-based applications
       * Oracle database( availabe in oracle's official site in different versions)
       * A browser 

Domains used in SQL includes triggers, funtions and joins.

The files are segregated into sql and jsp+html(covers all CSS and JS part also).

Hope you can get a clear picure of this project.

Thank you.