
A Shiny Application for Exploring Data

Primary LanguageR

A Shiny Application for Exploring Data

  • r-eda allows a user to quickly explore data on the fly (.csv files) by utilizing the power of Shiny and ggplot2
  • You can do the following:
    • scatter plots
    • dotplots
    • boxplots
    • histograms
    • densities

CSV Data Input

  • Essentially utilizes read.csv -> read.csv("yourdata.csv",na.strings = c("NA","."))

Data Manipulations

  • Change continuous variable to be treated as categorical
  • Change continuous variable to categories with a specified number of bins or by supplying values for the bins start/end
  • Up to six sequential filters for categorical and continuous variables
  • Renaming and reordering of the levels of a categorical variable
  • Combining two categorical variables into one
  • Rounding a numerical variable to a specified number of digits

ggplot2 functionality (facet_grid and facet_wrap)

  • Group, color, size, fill mappings
  • Controlling y and x axis labels, legends and other commonly used theme options.