
A python script to view educative.io-courses scraped using educative.io-scraper

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Educative Viewer

This project is made for easier readability of Educative.io courses downloaded using Educative.io_Scraper

Refer Step 4 if you are using Releases.

To Run/Build this project:

Step 1: Install the virtualenv package for python3 and create a virtual environment

  pip3 install virtualenv 
  virtualenv env 

Step 2: Activate the environment

> (For Windows)


> (For MacOS/Linux)

  source env/bin/activate

Step 3: Install the required modules and start the educative-viewer using the following commands:

  pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  python3 educative-viewer.py

Step 4: Enter the course folder path in terminal and server will automatically start

> Enter local_server_ip:5000 in your desktop/mobile browser to open the viewer

> Refer the image below to get the course folder path, eg: "/Users/anilabhadatta/Documents/temp-course"


Step 5 (Optional): To build the educative-viewer using pyinstaller:

Install the pyinstaller package and run the following commands

  pip3 install pyinstaller

> (For Windows)

  pyinstaller --clean --add-data templates;templates --add-data static;static --onefile -i"icon.ico" educative-viewer.py

> (For MacOS/Linux)

  pyinstaller --clean --add-data templates:templates --add-data static:static --onefile -i"icon.ico" educative-viewer.py