Tech Stack
-->Language and Framework: Python and Django
-->Database: pgAdmin 4
-->SQL: postgresql
-->Frontend Languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript
Project Architecture
Designing Database and ER Diagram:
There are 4 tables: User, Batch, Payment, Admission. The basic information is saved in user table along with batch ids. 4 batches are given. Payment details for each user are stored in Payment Table. If the payment is successful the admission of the user is confirmed and stored in the admission tables.
ER Diagram:
Tables are as follows in postgres:
2. Creating models:
Django models are created for the above mentioned tables and validation errors are raised.
3. Creating API:
FormSerializer facilitates data retrieval from complex fields, transforming it into JSON format, then storing it in the original database structure. Views manage data processing, primarily defining the POST request for seamless functionality.
4. API Testing with Postman
5. Frontend form
6. Response on Frontend
On adding valid credentials maintaing all criteria
If age is not in the critera
If conatct is not in the criteria
If the entry already exist
If updation of batch is successful for registered user
Successful payment
6. User Data is successfully stored in database:
Data is currently added upon registration without payment validation. Enhancing this, user addition to the database will occur solely upon successful payment, ensuring a more robust process
Could Not deploy the backend I was facing issues in deploying the backend (I will resolve the issue but due to time limit will have to submit as it is)
Frontend deployed link I deployed frontend using vercel link -->