Feedr Technical Challenge

Thank you for taking the time to attempt this challenge.

These tests are used to evaluate candidates of all skill levels so please complete them to a level you feel is an accurate representation of your skill set.

Please read README-FRONTEND.md for further instructions.

If you have any questions or would like to clarify any details, please email richard.stevens@feedr.co.

Good luck!

Quick Start

Fork the repository, clone it to your local system, then:

Install dependencies

npm install

Start development server

npm run dev

Run tests

npm run test

Design Decisions

  1. I upgraded all the dependencies to be Node.js v20 compatible
  2. I use React SWR library for data fetching.
  3. /src/client/components contains all the react components
  4. /srv/client/lib/ contains reusable libraries for frontend
  5. /src/client/model/ contains model for different data structures.
  6. I created /srv/client/lib/useSWRWithFetcher.js library to reuse code for retrieving data from server side easily.