
Deadly simple cart that can be used for multiple carts at same time. Only quantity is supported since I only need quantities for now.

Primary LanguagePHPMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


Cart class designed to use for multiple carts at same time. You can define your own storage, for sample see FileStorage and SessionStorage. It must implement Storage class

Multi Cart Library for PHP

Deadly simple cart that can be used for multiple carts at same time. Only quantity is supported since I only need quantities for now.

Tested on PHP 5.4

To run test

phpunit UniteTest Cart/Test/CartTest.php

Sample output

HeavensMachine% phpunit UniteTest Test/CartTest.php                   
PHPUnit 3.7.28 by Sebastian Bergmann.


Time: 26 ms, Memory: 2.75Mb

OK (3 tests, 7 assertions)

It has very simple API, sample codes are in test. Following is a sample

        $productCart = Cart::getInstance(new FileStorage(), 'Product');
        $productCart->add(1, 2);
        //Setting cart type to Membership
        $productCart->add(1, 1);

        //Setting back to Product

        //getting a membership cart.
        $membershipCart = Cart::getInstance($this->storage, 'Membership');
        $productCart->set(1,3); //Sets quanity of id 1 as 3
        $productCart->add(1,3); //Sets quanity of id 1 as 6 (3+3)
        $productCart->minus(1,2); //Now quanity of id is 4
        $productCart->delete(1); //Delete id 1
        $productCart->deleteAll(); //Delete all items of this cart
        $productCart->removeAllCarts(); //Removes all cart not only product cart. Useful to remove junk data. Usually storage should have reset function however I didn't feel like putting that inside interface. Not everyone uses it