Analysis and Optimisation of Text Generating Models

Primary LanguagePython


Analysis and Optimisation of Text Generating Models


  • python 3.4+
  • chainer
  • numpy
  • keras
  • argparse
  • nltk (with brown corpus and wordnet data)

File Synopsis

  1. train_brown.py: Code for running base model (no parts of speech information)

    1. class RNNForLM: Main recurrent network taking one hot word vectors as input
    2. class ParallelSequentialIterator: Dataset iterator to create a batch of sequences at different positions
    3. class BPTTUpdater: Custom updater for truncated BackProp Through Time (BPTT)
    4. function compute_perplexity: Routine to rewrite the result dictionary of LogReport to add perplexity values
  2. custom_classifier.py: Classifier wrapper to setup standard classifier components (Loss function, Metrics etc)

  3. posword.py: Chainer based RNN model (words + parts of speech information incorporated)

    1. class BPTTUpdater : Custom updater for truncated BackProp Through Time (BPTT)
    2. class ParallelSequentialIterator: Dataset iterator to create a batch of sequences at different positions
    3. class Rec2Network: Main RNN model which takes word and POS tags as inputs
    4. class RNNForLM: Subnetwork for Rec2Network Class
    5. class RecNetwork: Trial RNN model, not used
    6. class RNNForBrown: Subnetwork for RecNetwork
    7. class StackedLSTMLayers: Class defining the LSTM subnetwork used in Rec2Network
    8. class StackedLinearLayers: Class defining the Linear layers used in Rec2Network
    9. function compute_perplexity: Routine to rewrite the result dictionary of LogReport to add perplexity values
  4. test_recnetwork.py: Driver program for posword.py