
Gratitude Journaling WebApp (WIP) - Frontend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Gratitude Grove - Frontend


Gratitude Grove is a gratitude journaling web application designed to help users create daily journal entries, store previous entries, and manage their journaling activities. The application features a calendar to display progress, a dashboard with contribution graphs, and an appealing user interface.

The frontend development has begun but is not yet fully complete. The project aims to provide a user-friendly experience with several key features and plans for future enhancements.


Dashboard Page

Displays user statistics and contribution graphs, providing insights into the user’s journaling activity.

Dashboard Page
Description: The dashboard page showing user statistics and contribution graphs.

Home Page

A landing page that highlights the features of the application and emphasizes the importance of gratitude journaling.

Home Page
Description: The home page showcasing the application's features and the significance of gratitude journaling.

Login-Register Page

Contains both login and registration components, allowing users to authenticate and create accounts.

Login-Register Page
Description: The login-register page with components for user authentication.

Journals Page

Lists all journal entries with options to add new journals, and features for searching, sorting, and filtering entries based on various criteria.

Journals Page
Description: The journals page displaying a list of journal entries with options to add, search, sort, and filter.

Features & Libraries Used

  • Material UI:
    Provides components and styling for the user interface.

  • Tailwind CSS:
    Used for custom styling and layout.

  • React Icons:
    For incorporating icons into the application.

  • React Router:
    Handles navigation between different pages of the application.

  • Axios:
    Used for making API calls to interact with the backend.

Future Enhancements

The following features are planned for future implementation:

  • Display all journals.
  • Integration with backend APIs.
  • CRUD operations for managing journal entries.
  • Calendar view to display all journal entries.
  • Statistics visualization using graph libraries.


Feel free to use, modify, and contribute to this project. Your contributions are welcome!

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add new feature').
  5. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).
  6. Open a pull request.


This project is open-source and free to use under the MIT License.


  • Material UI for providing a robust set of components.
  • Tailwind CSS for flexible and responsive styling.
  • React Router for seamless navigation.
  • Axios for handling API requests.

Feel free to explore the project, and contribute if you have any ideas or improvements!