Pinned Repositories
This repository hosts a 2-tier Flask Todo web application, deployed using Docker Compose. The application consists of a frontend built with Flask and a MySQL backend. The frontend provides a user-friendly interface to manage a Todo list. The Docker Compose configuration ensures the seamless setup of both containers.
This repository is a Challenge for the DevOps Community to get stronger in DevOps. This challenge starts on the 1st January 2023 and in the next 90 Days we promise ourselves to become better at DevOps. The reason for making this Public is so that others can learn from the community and help each other grow.
I am using this repository to document my journey learning about DevOps. I began this process on January 1, 2022, and plan to continue until March 31. I will be dedicating one hour each day, including weekends, to gaining a foundational understanding of the various aspects of DevOps. This will be a 90-day intensive study period. 2022 & 2023 inc.
This repo is for Django todo app deployment as a Devops engineer via Jenkins
IDURAR Open Code Source ERP CRM Alternative to SalesForce | Node Js React AntD MERN. I have forked this prioject to containerize it and create a CICD pipeline.
This repository is a project where I implement K8s ConfigMaps, Secrets, Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim using MySQL Deployment.
This is a Repository to get you started with Kubernetes.
This repository is for practicing git
This is flask-app that we will be running in a k8s cluster
Varunmargam's Repositories
This repository hosts a 2-tier Flask Todo web application, deployed using Docker Compose. The application consists of a frontend built with Flask and a MySQL backend. The frontend provides a user-friendly interface to manage a Todo list. The Docker Compose configuration ensures the seamless setup of both containers.
This repository is a Challenge for the DevOps Community to get stronger in DevOps. This challenge starts on the 1st January 2023 and in the next 90 Days we promise ourselves to become better at DevOps. The reason for making this Public is so that others can learn from the community and help each other grow.
I am using this repository to document my journey learning about DevOps. I began this process on January 1, 2022, and plan to continue until March 31. I will be dedicating one hour each day, including weekends, to gaining a foundational understanding of the various aspects of DevOps. This will be a 90-day intensive study period. 2022 & 2023 inc.
This repo is for Django todo app deployment as a Devops engineer via Jenkins
IDURAR Open Code Source ERP CRM Alternative to SalesForce | Node Js React AntD MERN. I have forked this prioject to containerize it and create a CICD pipeline.
This repository is a project where I implement K8s ConfigMaps, Secrets, Persistent Volume and Persistent Volume Claim using MySQL Deployment.
This is a Repository to get you started with Kubernetes.
This repository is for practicing git
This is flask-app that we will be running in a k8s cluster
I am forking this repo to make a CI/CD Jenkins job for Continuous Deployment.
Learn k8s using this Reddit clone
This repository contains Shell Scripting projects
#TerraWeek Challenge by TWS Community Builders is a 7 Day challenge to Upskill the DevOps Community, which will be starting on 5th June and ending on 11th June at 11:59 P.M IST.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Wizdesk is the gateway to seamlessly integrate with Jira, offering a cost-effective open-source alternative with robust issue tracking, efficient communication, and real-time notifications
This repository is to test workspace sync