
This repository is a collection of all the coding questions and problems I've encountered and practiced while learning various DSA concepts. Whether you're a beginner just starting with DSA or someone looking to sharpen their skills, you'll find this repository helpful in your journey.

Primary LanguageJava

DSA-Journey 🚀

Welcome to my Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) Practice Repository! 🚀

This repository is a collection of all the coding questions and problems I've encountered and practiced while learning various DSA concepts. Whether you're a beginner just starting with DSA or someone looking to sharpen their skills, you'll find this repository helpful in your journey.

Why This Repository ?

  • Structured Practice: Each problem is organized into separate folders based on the topic it covers. This makes it easy for you to navigate and focus on specific areas of DSA.

  • Code Solutions: You'll find my solutions to each problem in Java language.

  • Continuous Updates: I'm committed to continuously updating this repository with new problems and solutions as I progress in my DSA learning journey. So, make sure to check back regularly for fresh content.

How to Use This Repository ?

  1. Explore Topics: Start by exploring the folders corresponding to different DSA topics such as Arrays, Linked Lists, Sorting Algorithms, Searching Algorithms, Graphs, and more.

  2. Choose a Problem: Once you've selected a topic, browse through the problems within that folder. Each problem is accompanied by a clear title and description.

  3. Review Solutions: Dive into the code solutions provided for each problem. Experiment with different approaches to deepen your understanding.

  4. Learn and Contribute: Feel free to learn from the solutions provided here and contribute your own solutions if you find alternative approaches or optimizations.

Contribution Guidelines 📝

  • If you have a better or more optimized solution to any problem, feel free to submit a pull request. I welcome contributions from fellow learners!

  • Make sure to follow the folder structure and naming conventions already established in the repository.

  • Provide clear explanations alongside your code to help others understand your thought process.

  • Be respectful and constructive in your feedback and interactions with other contributors.

Feedback and Support 👍

If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback regarding this repository, feel free to reach out to me. Your input is valuable in making this repository a valuable resource for the DSA community.

Happy coding 💖
Happy learning 🪴