Workshop SQL

The code and resources available in this repository are to be used only in the scope of the Workshop SQL.

  • IMPORTANT: If you plan to do the practical part of the Workshop in your computer you should instal docker in your computer BEFORE the Workshop.

You should also clone this repository into your computer and try the instructions below before the workshop.


To follow the practical examples of the workshop, it is required to have installed:

  • docker

Installing Docker

  1. Download the specific installer for your operating system from:
  2. Follow the steps for the specific case.

Possible Problem

WSL 2 installation is incomplete

If you encounter this problem follow the link presented in the warning window:

Download the windows subsystem for linux and run it. Docker should work after a reboot.

How to use

To start the database container, open a terminal window or command prompt and use:

  • .\database.bat (Windows)
  • sh (MacOS or Linux)

This command will print the IP address of the container, which you will need later


  • .\client.bat (Windows)
  • sh (MacOS or Linux)

inside it:

  • psql -h <IP> -p 5432 -d workshop -U workshop -W

For example: psql -h -p 5432 -d workshop -U workshop -W

pass: workshop
