- 0
- 0
call_function() calls update() for previous menu if change_menu() is in the callback function
#104 opened by GreenEllipsis - 2
LiquidCrystal not found even if it's installed
#86 opened by Mark-81 - 2
API reference is 404
#108 opened by FabioM3 - 1
'recognizeType(int&)' is ambiguous
#110 opened by onolox - 0
Unable to get current menu from LiquidSystem
#109 opened by shahmirthesquid - 2
Usage of `PROGMEM` strings
#2 opened by Geusantropy - 1
- 1
Add support for `LiquidCrystal_I2C` library
#6 opened by ReefSnow - 1
- 2
`switch_focus` return `bool`
#25 opened by Fettkeewl - 5
Screens could link to child menus
#33 opened by DanielW0830 - 2
- 6
`switch_focus` iterates from the last focusable line to `_lineCount` instead of the first line
#38 opened by DarioMaechler - 2
`delete_variable()` and `detach_function()`
#42 opened by gvisca44 - 1
Support for the SAMD architecture
#47 opened by tlemery - 1
- 0
- 8
Can't compile I2C example
#36 opened by andrwgldmn - 1
- 1
Call a variable amount of function
#23 opened by AnthonyPapageo - 1
Switching focus symbol accross menus
#14 opened by lu6fer - 1
Mixing sub-menus and scrolling lines?
#45 opened by fred-76 - 1
Scrolling on 4 row LCD broken
#31 opened by Bankst - 2
Rotary encoder example
#37 opened by malaki86 - 1
Blink cursor over editing position
#40 opened by adrianbn - 1
Avoid creating duplicate variables
#41 opened by adrianbn - 5
`snprintf` prints jibberish
#27 opened by Fettkeewl - 1
`LiquidCrystal_I2C` extension
#5 opened by blascarr - 5
Variable string does not display correctly when used as `LiquidLine` parameter
#4 opened by jehoshua-dev - 3
Wrong `DataType::CHAR_PTR` cast
#12 opened by nfhktwrbq - 1
Can't compile with `LiquidCrystal_1602_RUS`
#9 opened by Daywer - 4
- 1
Can't compile with Arduino IDE under 1.6.6
#11 opened by PacoElPirata - 2
Date string `char*`
#13 opened by lu6fer - 1
`LiquidLine` pointer not passing
#18 opened by lonestar1 - 1
How to use `char` array for dynamic text?
#15 opened by jamesarm97 - 1
- 2
- 1
- 3
- 4
Can't compile on ESP8266 boards
#1 opened by sindudas - 2
Scrollable menu
#16 opened by joaopedrosgs