
This repository contains a collection of HTML examples and resources for beginners to learn and practice HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages.


This repository contains a collection of HTML examples and resources for beginners to learn and practice HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages. Contents The repository is organized into the following directories:

Examples: This directory contains a set of HTML files showcasing various HTML elements, attributes, and structures. Each example file is well-commented and provides a clear demonstration of its usage.

Resources: Here, you'll find a curated list of helpful resources, such as tutorials, articles, and cheat sheets, to deepen your understanding of HTML. These resources cover different aspects of HTML, including tags, forms, tables, and more.

Projects: In this directory, you'll discover HTML project templates that you can use as starting points for building your own web pages. These templates are designed to demonstrate the use of HTML in real-world scenarios and encourage hands-on practice. Contributions Contributions to this repository are welcome! If you have an HTML example, resource, or project template that you'd like to share, please follow these guidelines:

Fork this repository to your own GitHub account. Create a new branch with a descriptive name for your contribution. Commit and push your changes to your branch. Submit a pull request, explaining the purpose and content of your contribution.