
Prototype for Dart ffi bindings generator

Primary LanguageDart


A simple prototype for the Dart FFI bindings generator. This directory contains:

  • bindings for libclang in libclang/ folder
  • additional wrappers for libclang in libclang_hooks/ folder
  • the library itself that uses source_gen in lib/ folder
  • example of how this library can be used in example/ folder

To run:

  • compile libclang_hooks.so; be sure to change paths to libclang directories in libclang_hooks/CMakeLists.txt so that they match your system
  • change _libclangPath variable in lib/src/library_generator.dart to match your system
  • you may additionally need to tune _systemIncludePaths in that same file
  • cd example && pub run build_runner build

Right now, this library can generate code for functions, top-level variables, enums, typedefs. It handles all primitive types (int, long, float, uint32_t) as well as pointers to them. Note that this is not tested so there are possibly a lot of hidden corner cases, but it's good enough for a prototype I think ;).