Azure resource extension to enable Chef on Azure virtual machine instances.
Azure Chef Extension Version Scheme
Extensions versions are specified in 4 digit format : <MajorVersion.MinorVersion.BuildNumber.RevisionNumber>
Chef Extension package includes released Chef-Client package. Currently Extension version depends on Chef-Client version. So whenever new Chef Client is releases, we have to publish new Extension as well.
Chef-Client versions are specified in 4 digit format: <MajorVersion.MinorVersion.PatchVersion-RevisionNumber>
. Example: chef-client 11.14.6-1
Use Following Extension Version Scheme:
- We are using Extension Major version from
- Set Extension Minor Version = Chef-Client's Major Version
- Set Extension BuildNumber = Chef-Client's Minor Version
- Set Extension RevisionNumber = Chef-Client's PatchVersion
- Whenever Chef-Client 'Major' Version changes, increase Extension 'Major' Version by '+100'. When 'Minor' Version changes, increase Extension 'Major' Version by '+1'.
1. When Chef-Client Major Version Changes-
Current Chef-Client Version is 11.14.6-1
Current Extension Version is 1100.11.14.6
# Chef-Client Major version changed
After new Client-Client Version 12.0.0-1 is released
# Increase Extension Major version by +100
New Extension Version will be 1200.12.0.0
2. When Chef Client Minor Version Changes-
Current Chef-Client Version is 11.14.6-1
Current Extension Version is 1100.11.14.6
# Chef-Client Minor version changed
After new Client-Client Version 11.16.0-1 is released
# Increase Extension Major version by +1
New Extension Version will be 1101.11.16.0
Build and Packaging
You can use rake tasks to build and publish the new builds to Azure subscription.
Note: The arguments have fix order and recommended to specify all for readability and avoiding confusion.
rake build[:target_type, :extension_version, :confirmation_required]
:target_type = [windows/ubuntu/centos] default is windows
:extension_version = Chef extension version, say 11.6 [pattern major.minor governed by Azure team]
:confirmation_required = [true/false] defaults to true to generate prompt.
rake 'build[ubuntu,11.6]'
Rake task to generate a build and publish the generated zip package to Azure.
rake publish[:deploy_type, :target_type, :extension_version, :chef_deploy_namespace, :operation, :internal_or_public, :confirmation_required]
The task depends on:
- cli parameters listed below.
- entries in Publish.json.
- environment variable "publishsettings" set pointing to the publish setting file. [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("publishsettings", 'C:\myaccount.publishsettings', "Process")
:deploy_type = [deploy_to_preview/deploy_to_prod] default is preview
:target_type = [windows/ubuntu/centos] default is windows
:extension_version = Chef extension version, say 11.6 [pattern major.minor governed by Azure team]
:chef_deploy_namespace = "Chef.Bootstrap.WindowsAzure.Test".
:operation = [new/update]
:internal_or_public = [confirm_public_deployment/confirm_internal_deployment]
:confirmation_required = [true/false] defaults to true to generate prompt.
rake 'publish[deploy_to_production,ubuntu,11.6,Chef.Bootstrap.WindowsAzure.Test,update,confirm_internal_deployment]'
Rake task to delete a published package to Azure. Note: Only internal packages can be deleted.
rake delete[:deploy_type, :target_type, :chef_deploy_namespace, :full_extension_version, :confirmation_required]
The task depends on:
- cli parameters listed below.
- environment variable "publishsettings" set pointing to the publish setting file.
:deploy_type = [delete_from_preview/delete_from_prod] default is preview
:full_extension_version = Chef extension version, say [Version as specified during the publish call]
:target_type, :chef_deploy_namespace and :confirmation_required = same as for publish task.
rake 'delete[delete_from_production,ubuntu,Chef.Bootstrap.WindowsAzure.Test,]'
Rake task to udpate a published package to Azure. Used to switch published versions from "internal" to "public" and vice versa. You need to know the build date.
rake update[:deploy_type, :target_type, :extension_version, :build_date_yyyymmdd, :chef_deploy_namespace, :internal_or_public, :confirmation_required]
The task depends on:
- cli parameters listed below. All params definition as same as publish task except build date.
- environment variable "publishsettings" set pointing to the publish setting file.
:build_date_yyyymmdd = The build date when package was published, in format yyyymmdd
rake 'update[deploy_to_production,windows,,20140530,Chef.Bootstrap.WindowsAzure.Test,confirm_internal_deployment]'
JSON for Bootstrap options
User can pass boostrap options in JSON format to the extension. This is useful while creating a VM through Azure using powershell cmdlets. Bootstrap options can be passed in publicconfig
Supported Options: chef_node_name
, chef_server_url
, validation_client_name
, environment
, chef_node_name
, secret
This is how the JSON will look like:
{"bootstrap_options": {"chef_node_name":"mynode3", "chef_server_url":"", "validation_client_name":"some-org-validator"},"runlist":"recipe[getting-started]","autoUpdateClient":"false"}
Note: chef_server_url
and validation_client_name
are mandatory to pass for the node to bootstrap.
These options can be set in client_rb
JSON object too:
{"client_rb": "log_level :debug\nlog_location STDOUT\nchef_server_url \"\"\nvalidation_client_name \"some-org-validator\"\nclient_key \"c:/chef/client.pem\"\nvalidation_key \"c:/chef/validation.pem\"",
"runlist": "\"recipe[getting-started]\"","bootstrap_options": {}}
Powershell command to use publicconfig.config
Set-AzureVMExtension -VM <$vmObj> -ExtensionName ‘ChefClient’ -Publisher ‘Chef.Bootstrap.WindowsAzure’ -Version 11.12 -PublicConfigPath 'C:\\path\\to\\publicconfig.config' -PrivateConfigPath 'C:\\path\\to\\privateconfig.config'