Intelligent Self-driving System

Primary LanguagePython


Intelligent Self-driving System (ISS) is an autonomous driving framework for research. The code is tested on Ubuntu 20.04.


Refer here for installation instructions.


If using ROS-Noetic, first build the workspace by

cd ros1_ws && catkin build
source devel/setup.bash # or setup.zsh

If using CARLA, first launch the CARLA server, then do

roslaunch carla_bridge carla_demo.launch 

If using Gazebo, do

roslaunch robot_gazebo gazebo_demo.launch

You can set the goal using RViz when running in Gazebo.


Refer here for the documentation.


  1. This repository utilizes ROS's right-handed coordinate system. This is distinct from CARLA's left-handed coordinate system. The carla_bridge node is responsible for handling the necessary conversions between these two coordinate systems.
  2. Angles are in -pi to pi.