- Linux
- Windows
- 2D and 3D Rendering
- Post-Processing Effects
- Project Manager
- Multi language scripting: C#, Lua, C++ (C++ is Linux Only)
- Physics Engine: Box2D, Bullet Physics (3D)
- Audio
- Level Editor
- 2D Lighting
- 3D Lighting
- More coming soon
- Assimp
- Box2D
- Discord RPC
- Freetype
- ImGuizmo
- EnTT
- glm
- IconFontCppHeaders
- ImGui
- ImGuiFileDialog
- nlohmann json
- SDL/SDL_mixer
- stb_image
- tinyxml
- Bullet Physics
- OpenAL
- FileWatch
- Freetype
- luajit
- sndfile
- Main Theme & Themes from ImThemes
- Blood demon for remaking the logo and making the banner! https://twitter.com/ecto_demon
Create folders: bin and bin_win first!
Remember: You need to compile linux and windows game binaries if you want cross-platform building to work!
git clone https://github.com/koki10190/Vault-Engine.git
cd Vault-Engine
make projects
make linux
make linux_game
make win
make win_game
make win_cxx
./Vault\ Engine.sh
If it fails you probably do not have G++ and make installed.
To make cross-platform games you must have x86_64-w64-mingw32 and g++ installed so that you can compile C++ Script code (if you use C++ otherwise ignore this)
Go to Makefile and edit MINGW_COMPILER NOTE: You need to have ar on windows installed! (I do not know if it is on windows tho I am sure it is)
git clone https://github.com/koki10190/Vault-Engine.git
cd Vault-Engine
make projects_win
make win
make win_game
make win_cxx
Bundling the application is very easy! just use the bash/batch script!
On Linux
./bundle.sh # this will bundle for linux, in dist/linux
./bundle.sh windows # this will bundle for windows, in dist/windows
On Windows
./bundle.bat # this will bundle for linux, in dist/linux
./bundle.bat windows # this will bundle for windows, in dist/windows
NOTE: Building is still being worked on!
- 3D Audio - Linux build is able load mp3 files while windows build can only load WAV files. (this is an issue with sndfile)
- C++ Scripts on windows work but the global variables that the EXE File uses for GameObjects and Logs and what not are not shared between the DLL Files.
If you want to use C# for scripting you need to have dotnet and the sdk installed! and the path set!
- Asset Packager
- Android Support
- Flowchart Editor (like in Unreal Engine)
- Video Player
- Batch Renderer
- Set/Fix ImGui Viewport
- Make a main viewport to draw on
- Fonts