Issue with Toggling off ASE for a spell
Gacky2k opened this issue · 1 comments
Prior to enabling ASE of a spell, it prompts to display a template for AOE spells. I decided to try an ASE effect "Darkness" in this case and thought I'd like it, but players can not target anything in the darkness, even though my warlock who is using it has true darkvision to 120 ft and can see through all darkness, magical or otherwise. So...I unchecked ASE to attempt to revert to the previous behavior, but now it no longer presents the option to place a template for the spell like it did before.
I just noticed this, had no response, and i'm not sure if it's ok to respond to an issue so old, but based on what i see here, it sounds like the spell details were overwritten, and will need to be re-applied. Specifically the template settings restored to match the spell description.
Check the range details for the spell and set them to the appropriate template type (sphere, cone, etc) and radius.
For effects, I would recommend Automated animations, the spell will then use a template with animated effects though without any other spell effects. Those you will have to manage manually.