Plugin flyway 2 for use in Grails
You need to modify Config.groovy configuration file by adding in section log4j next code:
appenders {
console name: 'stdout', layout: pattern(conversionPattern: '%m%n')
info 'org.flywaydb'
By default you should put your sql file into this folder: grails-app/conf/db/migration/
It's possible to configure Flyway using Config.groovy. The code below show you which variables are availables.
grails.plugins.gflyway.initOnMigrate = true;
grails.plugins.gflyway.schemas = "public"
grails.plugins.gflyway.table = "schema_version"
grails.plugins.gflyway.locations = "db/migration"
grails.plugins.gflyway.encoding = "UTF-8"
grails.plugins.gflyway.sqlMigrationPrefix = "V"
grails.plugins.gflyway.sqlMigrationSuffix = ".sql"
grails.plugins.gflyway.validationErrorMode = "FAIL"
grails.plugins.gflyway.autoMigrate = true;
You must start in Grails console with 'flyway-' argument
Basic commands:
flyway-clean (Drops all objects in the configured schemas)
flyway-init (Creates and initializes the metadata table)
flyway-migrate (Migrates the database)
flyway-validate (Validates the applied migrations against the ones available on the classpath)
flyway-info (Prints the details and status information about all the migrations)
flyway-repair (Repairs the metadata table after a failed migration)
original site:
Added a new command:
- flyway-combo (executes [clean, init, migrate] commands)